Saturday 7 November 2009

Real Fur Vs. Faux Fur

I'm not saying I don't like fashion designers that use real fur, because among the designers that use fur, some of them are my favorite. I'm just saying I wish they wouldn't use real fur in their designs.
Real fur disgusts me. People try to argue that it's luxurious and has a better feel than faux fur, but you can get some marvelous alternatives to real fur, as materials have been improved, making faux fur look more realistic, which varies in tone and has shine ,etc...

I've never been a supporter of the use of real fur, but I watched a Peta video a while ago of chinchillas in a fur farm and I'll warn you, it's very hard too watch. It's not just due to what is happening in the video at the time as such, it's the sound that got to me the most.

You can watch it at:

I think fur farms are cruel and unnecessary.

For more information visit:

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